What is the next breakthrough God has planned for your church?
Every church has a story. God has entrusted that story to your leadership, wisdom, and creativity. Sometimes the best thing to move that story along the right path is an outside voice confirming your message and encouraging your congregation to step into God’s plan for your church.
I would consider it an honor and a privilege to serve your church by being that voice.
I’m not interested in building my own ministry—I want to help serve yours. My goal is to strengthen, encourage, and serve your church in a way that propels them forward in the vision God has given you. I’ll bring stories from the mission field, a clear presentation of the Gospel, and a down-to-earth, practical application of the message. I’m passionate about clarity and unimpressed with hype and empty emotionalism.
If I can serve you and your church in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Be blessed,

Here you can watch some of my messages and healing meetings.

I'd love to participate in what God is doing in your ministry.
I preach in churches, banquet halls, tents, stadiums, fields, restaurants, backyards, conference rooms, and more. If you’ve got a venue and some people who’d like to come, I would be honored to join you. I preach the same to 5 as I do to 5,000, so don’t worry about the crowd size. My goal is to serve.